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CAPS News - November 2019

This month we are bringing you new thought-leadership research on Supplier Ecosystems and key metrics.

CAPS News - October 2019

We redesigned the newsletter to give you more content. Let us know what you think! Plus, supplier diversity & headcount metrics.

CAPS News - September 2019

We have a host of exciting events coming up, multimedia content, and surveys/data for members and non-members.

CAPS News - August 2019

The 2019 Metrics of Supply Management report is out now - it's loaded with KPIs and great practitioner information. Plus, a few great CAPS member events on the horizon.

CAPS News - July 2019

The theme for CAPS events this year is "Creating Value in Turbulent Times" - also the topic of our new China-focused whitepaper. This and more exciting launches in CAPS News.

CAPS News - June 2019

The CAPS team is so excited to announce that we've just launched our brand new CAPS Library! Read all about it here. Plus, new research on emerging technology in supply management, KPIs that senior leaders report to the business, upcoming member events, and more.

CAPS News - May 2019

CAPS is launching a new library with more research. Stay tuned for surveys, metrics, and an upcoming event!

CAPS News - April 2019

We're keeping the newsletter short and sweet, keeping most videos under three minutes, and sending out CAPS Stats and member-only emails separately. The latest, greatest CAPS news here!

CAPS News - March 2019

Coming out of our annual spring event, CAPS brings you lessons-learned from senior leaders and vision for the future of supply management.

CAPS News - February 2019

CAPS constantly looking for ways to stay better connected to you, support you in your practice, and advance supply management - the latest here.

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