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Developing Supplier Ecosystems to Create Value

Supplier ecosystems are an emerging approach to developing new products and solutions, offering benefits that traditional processes don’t provide. This research report outlines a process for initiating supplier ecosystem and the benefits of using this approach when creating new products or innovations.

CAPS News - November 2019

This month we are bringing you new thought-leadership research on Supplier Ecosystems and key metrics.

Managed spend, growing influence

Supply management teams with high levels of managed spend are better able to leverage spend, mitigate supplier risk, and bring more strategic value to the organization.

What categories do you source with reverse auctions?

You may not be surprised by the list of categories that companies source through reverse or e-auctions, with direct materials and goods topping the list.

CAPS News - October 2019

We redesigned the newsletter to give you more content. Let us know what you think! Plus, supplier diversity & headcount metrics.

E-Auction use is on the rise

46% of companies currently using E-Auctions have increased their use over the last two years due to increased cost savings and process efficiency, market efficiency, reduction in risk, and effectiveness in running what-if scenarios.

SM Organizational Design

Global companies have shifted the organizational structure of their supply management and procurement groups through the years. What's your org's ideal design?

CAPS News - September 2019

We have a host of exciting events coming up, multimedia content, and surveys/data for members and non-members.

Supply management's growing influence

Sourceable spend managed by supply management/procurement groups is experiencing an uptick, giving companies more strategic contracting, greater savings, and increased protection from supplier risk. An average of 87.5 percent of spend is managed, for all companies across sectors. How does your company compare? ...

CAPS News - August 2019

The 2019 Metrics of Supply Management report is out now - it's loaded with KPIs and great practitioner information. Plus, a few great CAPS member events on the horizon.