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Assessing sub-tier suppliers

In a recent survey, "Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic," 75% of CPOs say they're assessing sub-tier suppliers - a drastic increase over last year's data.

Travel Bans and Revenue

Are the U.S.-imposed travel bans impacting your company's revenue? CAPS surveyed 74 CPOs of Fortune 600 companies, and we're sharing results broken down by sector.

Travel Bans, Suppliers, and Employees

In a survey of 74 CPOs, we explored the disruptions that U.S.-imposed travel bans are causing for Fortune 600 companies.

SM's Adoption of New Tech

Supply management organizations are increasingly adopting new technology to adapt to current business needs, boost efficiency, and increase cost savings.

Centers of Excellence

69% of the companies we surveyed have or plan to have a center of excellence in the next two years

Supply Management Tariffs & Trade Wars

81% of companies report a moderate to significant impact on the business from tariffs & trade wars.

Supply Management ROI

Supply management return on investment (ROI) is a simple way to demonstrate the value of the function, calculated by dividing cost savings (reduction + avoidance) by supply management operating expenses.

Investing in More Strategic Roles

It’s important for organizations to evaluate their needs and consider strategic headcount as they design the supply management organization of the future...

SM employees to total employees

While the strategic focus of supply management groups is quickly expanding, increased responsibility is not supported by growing headcount. Many supply management groups, in fact, are expected to do more with less...

Total Cost Savings

Our annual Metrics of Supply Management (Cross-Industry) Report provides data for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for headcount, OPEX, spend, savings, ROI and and more, broken out further into five industries and three sectors, allowing for supply management groups to see how they stack up against comparable organizations. 

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