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CAPS News-15 May 2024

Navigating Mandatory Emissions Reporting 

In an era where environmental responsibility is no longer an option but a mandate, join us for a compelling webinar that sheds light on the pivotal shift in supply chain management. Industry analyst Adrian Gonzalez explores some of the challenges in calculating and reporting emissions as well as actions companies can take to prepare effectively.

Join us Wednesday, May 22, 12-1 PM ET

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ESG Barriers to Overcome

When integrating environmental sustainability into an organizations supplier selection process 40% of responding companies select “lack of performance measures” as the top barrier. 

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Manufacturing is Coming Home

American manufacturing has added more than 1.5 million jobs since 2010, now accounting for about 13 million US workers. Much of the increase has come from more foreign investments and less work leaving the country. 

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Aluminum Tariffs Takes Effect

Mexico unexpectedly imposed new import tariffs, ranging from 5% to 50%, on various goods. Aluminum products, in particular, have new tariffs ranging from 20% to 35%. 

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CAPS Research

CAPS Research

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